交好朋友的方法:停止以自我为中心 | If You Want To Make GoodFriends, Stop Focusing On Yourself “If you want to be interesting, you have to be interested.” These are the famous words of my husband’s grandmother. She took conversation making se...
“电灯泡”怎么用英语说? The term third wheel is a corruption of fifth wheel, which refers to someone who deters the socialization of a couple, perhaps when being invited ...
为什么女生衬衣扣子在左边? 说真的,为什么女人衬衣的扣子在左边? If you’ve ever compared a woman’s button-up shirt to a man’s, you’ve probably noticed that the buttons are on ...
英语热词 | 庆祝建党95周年:重温入党誓词 2016年7月1日上午,习近平总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立95周年庆祝大会上发表重要讲话。其中有四点必须牢记: Deviating from or abandoning Marxism, which i...
卢卡斯·葛拉汉:七岁 | Lukas Graham: 7 years 《7 Years》是丹麦乐团卢卡斯·葛拉汉乐团(Lukas Graham 是一支丹麦流行乐队,由主唱Lukas Graham、鼓手Mark Falgren、Mark Falgren外号”LovestickR...