月亮为什么有时是白色的,有时候又是黄色的、红色的? 月球本身并不发光,因此,我们说月球是靠太阳的反射光反射到地球的。我们知道,月球表面是很粗糙的,月球上有很多陨石坑,也有平原,也有类似的山脉,总之月...
月亮给我的人生启示Lesson From the Moon When the moon is fullest it begins to wane, When it is darkest it begins to grow. 月亮带给我的启示—-「月盈则亏,晦则明」 Chinese Prove...
中秋节 Mid-autumn Festival Mid-autumn Festival is a popular and important lunar harvest festival celebrated by Chinese people. The festival is held on the 15thday of the eig...
If You Look at the Moon 如果你看着月亮 If you look at the moon,you may have many questions to ask.How big is the moon?How far is it from the earth?Is it like a ball or...
最美的月亮 The Most Beautiful Moon Tonight, after dinner, my father and I take a walk. As it gets dark, I look at the sky, there are a lot of bright stars hanging in the sky, and a b...
金星合月和火星冲日将同一天上演是怎么回事? 2020年10月14日将会是宇宙科学爱好者的福音,因为在这一天里将同时上演“金星合月”和“火星冲日”这两大天象奇观。如果当地天气晴朗,晴空万里,可视度较高,那...
花费10年时间在意大利不同地区拍摄到的不同颜色的满月 当月亮的色泽泛红或泛黄时,通常代表它位于地平线附近。此时月亮的反射光,在穿过厚重、富含尘埃微粒的地球大气时,波长较短的蓝、紫色光会被散射掉,剩下的...