swathe 英 [sweɪð] 美 [sweɪð]



  • In recent days heatwaves have turned swathes of America and Europe into furnaces.
  • I was swathed in black and hadn’t put on any makeup, so my naturally  skin looked ghostly and wan.


[noun] a piece or strip of material in which something is wrapped
[名词] 包裹某物的一片或一条材料


Swathe 也作 swath ,原本只作名词表示“一长条、一长片”,尤指割了庄稼的一长条田地或用来包裹某人或某物的一长条布料,比如:

  • 联合收割机把庄稼绕田边割了一长条。
    The combine had cut a swathe around the edge of the field.
  • 群峰耸立在云海之上。
    The mountains rose above a swathe of thick cloud.

当群峰耸立在云海之上时,云海就像洁白的丝绸将群峰裹住,所以 swathe 用作动词时,自然表示“(用布料等)将……包裹住”,通常用于被动语态,比如:

  • 她用薄薄的黑色织物裹住了自己硕大的身躯。
    She swathed her enormous body in thin black fabrics.
  • 月亮全部被云遮住。
    The moon was swathed in clouds.

在农村见过庄稼收割的小伙伴都知道收割机一开过去,无论是金黄的麦田还是金黄的稻田,都被夷为平地,所以 swathe 还有一个习语 cut a swathe through sth 表示“(指人、火等)将某地的一片夷为平地”或“使遭到严重破坏、使发生巨变”,比如:

  • 风暴重创了英格兰南部。
    The storm cut a swathe through southern England.
  • 基冈的球队在甲级赛中所向披靡。
    Keegan’s team have been cutting an irresistible swathe through the first division.


You can’t go through sustained cruelty and terror for a large swathe of your life and not talk about it and be okay.

出自英国演员艾伦·卡明(Alan Cumming,1965年1月27日-)。艾伦·卡明因出演《一个无政府主义者的意外死亡》(Accidental Death of an Anarchist)赢得劳伦斯·奥利弗奖(Laurence Olivier Awards)年度最佳喜剧表演奖(Best Comedy Performance of the Year)。


  • strip: a long, narrow piece of cloth, paper, plastic, or some other material
  • band: a flat, thin strip or loop of material put around something, typically to hold it together or to decorate it
  • ribbon: a long, narrow strip of fabric, used for tying something or for decoration
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