英语口语 | “落井下石”英语怎么说? – 咸蛋黄
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英语口语 | “落井下石”英语怎么说?

“落井下石”,汉语成语,字面意思是“drop down a stone on the man who has fallen into a well”,比喻乘人有危难时加以陷害( to maltreat an injured person; add insult to injury; add to the misfortunes of a man who is already unfortunate),与英文俗语“ kick (one) when (one) is down”意思相近,表示“to criticize, exploit, insult, or otherwise treat badly someone who has already suffered a setback or is in a vulnerable position.”

  • 最后我就是无法做到在吉米倒霉时落井下石。
    In the end I just couldn’t kick Jimmy when he was down.
  • 杰夫的女朋友刚抛弃了他,我不想再落井下石。
    Jeff’s girlfriend just left him, and I don’t want to kick him while he’s down.