英语热词 | “复工人员专列”英语怎么说? – 咸蛋黄
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英语热词 | “复工人员专列”英语怎么说?

special train for returning workers

We should make greater efforts to minimize the impact of the epidemic on the economy and reach goals and tasks of economic and social development this year. Close attention must be paid to employment and large-scale layoffs should be avoided.

To meet the employment demand of enterprises and reduce the risks of epidemic spread, Hangzhou had applied to the railway department for a special train for those returning to work from places where the epidemic situation is relatively stable and the number of employees coming to Hangzhou is high.


  • 节后出行高峰
    post-festival travel peak
  • 复工复产
    resumption of work and production
  • 健康监测
    health monitoring