
“印象”是指某人或某事给你的感觉或看法(a feeling or an opinion that you get about somebody/something, or that somebody/something gives you),“留个好印象”可以翻译为“put best foot forward”,这个英文习语可以表示“To try to act as an ideal version of oneself, typically to try to impress others”。

  • 如果你想要得到这份工作的话,你真的需要在面试中留个好印象。
    You really need to put your best foot forward in the interview if you want to get this job.
  • 每当我和别人第一次见面时,我都尽量留个好印象。
    I try to put my best foot forward whenever I meet someone for the first time.
  • 微信或QQ扫一扫