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英语口语 | “兴风作浪”英语怎么说?

“兴风作浪”,汉语成语,字面意思是“raise winds and waves”,比喻煽动情绪,挑起事端,可以翻译为“incite trouble and create confusion;stir up trouble [disorder]”。也可用英文俚语“make waves”表示,有“to cause trouble or controversy, especially that which affects the course of a situation”的意思。

  • 不准你在这兴风作浪。
    You’re not allowed to make waves here.
  • 你可能会觉得这里有些事看不顺眼,但是你最好别作妖。我们的大老板可不爱听怨言。上一个兴风作浪的人第二天就被解雇了。
    You may see things here you don’t like. But it’s better not to make waves — the big boss doesn’t like complaints, and the last guy to make waves got fired the very next day.