
关键词:Article 50; No-deal Brexit; Backstop

01. 脱欧背景




  • Nearly half (49%) of leave voters said the biggest single reason for wanting to leave the European Union was “the principle that decisions about the UK should be taken in the UK”.
  • One third (33%) of leave voters said the main reason was that leaving “offered the best chance for the UK to regain control over immigration and its own borders.”

02. 英国到底什么时候脱欧?

英国应该在什么时候正式脱欧呢?这就不得不提到一个词“Article 50”。


为了保证欧盟的有效运作,欧盟成员国签署了the Lisbon Treaty(里斯本条约),其中第50条就规定了成员国脱离欧盟时需要遵照的流程。

  • Invoke: 援用

For the UK to leave the EU it had to invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty which gives the two sides two years to agree the terms of the split.


  • Trigger: 启动

Theresa May triggered this process on 29 March, 2017, meaning the UK is scheduled to leave at 11pm UK time on Friday, 29 March 2019, regardless of whether there is a deal with the EU or not.


  • Halt: 停止,中断

A European court has ruled that the UK can decide to halt the process and stay in the EU at any time up to the deadline. Alternatively the process can be extended if all 28 EU members agree.

03. 为什么分手过程如此痛苦?

2018年11月,英国与欧盟已经达成了退出协议(withdrawal agreement),对双方分手的条件作出了规定。根据协议,2019年3月29日至2020年12月31日是英国脱欧后的过渡期。



  • MP: (Member of Parliament) 议员
  • In a row: 接连

On 29 March – the original day that the UK was due to leave the EU – MPs rejected it for a third time. Members of Parliament have rejected all remaining alternatives to Theresa May’s Brexit deal after the prime minister’s own agreement failed to pass three timesin a row.

随后欧盟表示,英国必须在4月12日以前提出新方案,否则将进行“无协议脱欧”(no-deal Brexit)。

  • Transitional period: 过渡期

A no-deal Brexit would mean the UK leaving the European Union and cutting ties immediately, with no agreement at all in place. That would mean there would be notransitional period after the UK leaves, and EU laws would stop applying to the UK immediately.


The UK would follow World Trade Organization rules to trade with the EU and other countries, while trying to negotiate free-trade deals. It expects some food prices could rise and checks at customs could cost businesses billions of pounds.

04. 议会为什么反对?


One of the biggest sticking points has been over what happens at the Irish border.

Both the EU and UK want to avoid the return of guard posts and checks, so something called the backstop – a sort of safety net – was included in the deal.


  • Resort: 应急措施;可最后采取的手段

The backstop is meant to be a last resort to keep an open border on the island of Ireland – whatever happens in the Brexit negotiations.


May had offered to resign if Parliament passed her deal, but ultimately she was unable to persuade enough MPs to back a plan they had resoundingly rejected in two previous votes.




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