英语热词 | “红色政权”英语怎么说? – 咸蛋黄
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英语热词 | “红色政权”英语怎么说?

red political power

The Red Army’s heroism and the spirit of dedication to the Party and the people are important components of the CPC’s tradition and precious cultural wealth of the Chinese nation that must be carried on.

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, called for keeping firmly in mind the origin of the “red political power” Monday. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. During the education campaign on the theme of “staying true to our founding mission,” said Xi, all CPC members and cadres should constantly receive education on the red traditions to consolidate and enhance their ideals and convictions.


  • 红色旅游
    red tourism
  • 红船精神
    Red Boat Spirit
  • 学习宣传革命精神
    publicize and learn revolutionary spirit