英语热词 | “中国人民政治协商会议”英语怎么说? – 咸蛋黄
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英语热词 | “中国人民政治协商会议”英语怎么说?

Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

The CPPCC, through effective efforts, should build itself into a key base to uphold and strengthen the Party’s leadership over all areas of endeavor, a key platform to unite, educate and guide representatives of all ethnic groups and sectors with the Party’s new theories, as well as a key channel to resolve disputes and build consensus on the common theoretical and political foundation.

President Xi Jinping on Friday stressed upholding the system of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), and improving the CPPCC work of political consultation, democratic oversight, and participation in and deliberation of state affairs. Xi noted that the CPPCC is a great creation on the political system by the CPC and all other political parties, personages without party affiliation, people’s organizations, and the people of all ethnic groups and all walks of life under the leadership of the CPC.



  • 社会主义协商民主
    socialist consultative democracy
  • 民主集中制
    the system of democratic centralism
  • 新型政党制度
    new model of party system