
The Team Gold Medal presented to China’s Chang’e 4 Lunar Landing Mission Team is the first award ever that was presented to a team from China by the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) since its inception 153 years ago.

英国皇家航空学会(the Royal Aeronautical Society,RAeS)成立于1866年,是国际上历史悠久的航空航天专业组织,该学会设立年度奖项,旨在表彰世界范围内在航空航天领域取得杰出成就的团队和个人(leaders in aviation and aerospace recognized for their significant contributions)。

嫦娥四号任务团队为啥得奖?英国皇家航空学会奖项委员会主席比尔·特雅克(Bill Tyack)指出:

  • The team earned the Team Gold Medal for its outstanding achievement of the first soft landing on the far side of the moon.
  • Another first for the mission was the release of a piggyback microsatellite during the Earth-moon transfer orbit, which orbited the moon for astronomical observation.


  • The award is a testimony of increasing international recognition of China’s lunar exploration project and its overall aerospace development.
  • Space exploration is a common aspiration shared by humankind, which is very significant for the future of human society. Therefore, we expect more international cooperation to jointly explore outer space and pursue scientific discoveries.

The Chang’e-4 probe made the first-ever soft landing on the Von Karman Crater in the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the far side of the moon on Jan 3, 2019.

According to the China National Space Administration (CNSA), the lander has worked for more than 300 days, far beyond its design life, while the rover has traveled more than 300 meters despite the complexity of the topography on the far side of the moon.


It has acquired geographic information on, among others, the topography, structure and composition of the landing area.

It has also made discoveries of rock which are of great scientific value for revealing the geographic evolution of the South Pole-Aitken Basin and early evolutionary history of the lunar crust.

In addition, the mission has collected a lot of data and initial findings in areas such as neutral atoms, neutrons on the lunar surface and low-frequency radio spectrums.

Chang’e-5 is scheduled to be launched next year and is expected to bring back samples from the moon.

  • 探月工程
    lunar exploration program
  • 月球背面
    the far side of the Moon
  • 太阳辐射
    solar radiation
  • 重型运载火箭
    heavy-lift carrier rocket
  • 在轨测试
    in-orbit test
  • 公转周期
    period of revolution
  • 自转周期
    rotation period
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