第74届联合国大会12月19日通过决议,将每年5月21日定为“国际茶日(International Tea Day)”。

The resolution invites the international community to observe International Tea Day in an appropriate manner and in accordance with national priorities, through education and activities aimed at raising public awareness of the importance of tea for, inter alia, rural development and sustainable livelihoods.


Tea production and processing constitutes a main source of livelihoods for millions of families in developing countries, and tea constitutes the main means of subsistence for millions of poor families who live in a number of least developed countries.

Tea production and processing contributes to the fight against hunger, the reduction of extreme poverty, the empowerment of women and the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, it added.

The tea industry is a main source of income and export revenues for some of the poorest countries and, as a labor-intensive sector, provides jobs, especially in remote and economically disadvantaged areas.

  • 经济作物
    cash crops
  • 减贫
    poverty reduction
  • 袋泡茶
    tea bag
  • 发酵茶
    fermented tea
  • 茶园
    tea plantation
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