reform and development of private enterprises

On the new journey to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and further build a modern socialist China, our country’s private sector should only grow stronger instead of being weakened and march toward a broader stage.

China unveiled a new guideline on Sunday designed to foster a better environment to support the reform and development of private enterprises. The guideline from the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, requires the building of a better environment for fair competition and aims to further stimulate the private sector’s vitality and creativity.

《中共中央 国务院关于营造更好发展环境支持民营企业改革发展的意见》(以下简称《意见》)在优化公平竞争的市场环境、完善精准有效的政策环境、健全平等保护的法治环境、鼓励引导民营企业改革创新等方面明确了一揽子细化举措。其中,围绕进一步放开民营企业市场准入,电力、电信、铁路、石油、天然气等重点行业和领域向民企放开的路线图和时间表将加快出炉。




  • 社会主义市场经济
    socialist market economy
  • 亲清新型政商关系
    a new type of cordial and clean relationship between government and business
  • 微信或QQ扫一扫