After the broadcast of a TV program called “First Class for the New Semester” featuring feminine-looking male celebrities, many think the feminization trend has gone too far and that androgynous men – derided as “little fresh meats” – are poisoning China’s youth.

《开学第一课》由央视和教育部联手制作,要求全国小学生观看。节目播出后,愤怒的家长以激烈的言辞痛批节目制作人以及节目中这些化着浓妆的流量小鲜肉,呼吁有关部门封杀这些娘娘腔明星(call on authorities to ban the effeminate stars),以防下一代有样学样(in case the next generation would adopt their example)。

但也有网友称,这类观点属于性别刻板印象(gender stereotyping),对于男性之美或阳刚之气不应只有一种标准(there should not be only one standard on male beauty or masculinity),多样使世界美好(diversity makes the world beautiful)。

新华社官微随后发表文章《娘炮之风当休矣》,直言很多男明星”油头粉面A4腰,矫揉造作兰花指”,没有一点男子汉气概。文章称,这种病态的文化对年轻一代的影响不可估量。如果我国年轻人都效仿这些流行偶像的言语或衣着方式(follow the way these pop idols speak or dress),那我们将面临一场阳刚危机(a crisis of masculinity)。

《人民日报》也针对这一话题发文,称不认同”娘炮”、”不男不女”等带有贬损性的说法(derogatory terms),呼吁人们对审美标准的多样性予以理解和尊重。文章还写道,判断一个人,应当通过品行而非外形(judge by their virtue rather than their appearance)。但文章同时也呼吁在青少年中有着广泛影响的明星们(celebrities who boast influence among teenagers),呈现更加积极、向上的形象(more positive and upbeat image),展示更加健康、阳光的审美。

  • 娘娘腔 sissy pants
  • 妆容精致 wear delicate makeup
  • 主流审美 mainstream aesthetic
  • 少年娘则中国娘 If a teenager is sissy, then the country is sissy.
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