The State Administration of Market Regulation, along with 12 other government ministries and agencies, jointly launched a nationwide 100-day campaign on Tuesday to crack down on illegal practices involving health products.

联合行动方案将整顿重点锁定为:与人民群众日常消费密切相关的产品和行业(products and industries closely related to the everyday lives of people),以及宣称有保健功效的器材、衣物以及日用家电(gadgets, clothing and household appliances that claim to have health benefits)。

该行动将在全国范围内加大对”保健”市场重点行业、重点领域、重点行为的事中事后监管力度(supervision during and after production),依法严厉打击虚假宣传(false advertising)、制售假冒伪劣产品(producing and selling counterfeit products)等扰乱市场秩序、侵害消费者合法权益等各类违法行为。国家市场监管总局局长张茅强调,禁止对保健品进行评比评优活动(stop reviewing health products or providing seals that certify their quality),违者坚决依法追责。

各部门在会上对”百日行动”作出部署。工信部门将建立健全24小时监测机制(a 24-hour surveillance system),及时处置网络违法活动,严查利用骚扰电话(spam phone calls)进行保健品推销的行为;民政部门将重点对养老服务场所和设施进行排查,严禁假借养老服务场所进行保健品推销;商务部门将严格直销行业市场准入(strictly control market access of direct selling industry),整治直销市场秩序;旅游部门将重点查处利用低价旅游(low-cost tours)推销保健品的行为;卫生部门将严厉查处以中医保健名义进行非法诊疗(illegal medical practices in the name of TCM healthcare)等行为。

  • 直销 direct selling
  • 传销 pyramid scheme
  • 民间秘方 secret folk recipe
  • 保健品 health supplements/products
  • 微信或QQ扫一扫