产品验收制度system of product inspection
产权界定delimitation of property rights
产权收益income from property
产销直接见面direct links between the producer and the seller
产业投资资金industrial investment fund
产值output value

长期低息贷款long-term low-interest loan
长期国库券treasury bond
长期人寿保险long-term life insurance
长途通信电缆long-distance telecommunications cable
长远规划long-term program
长远目标long-range objective

尝苦头drain the cup of bitterness / suffer
常住人口登记permanent population register / registration of permanent residents
场内交易人floor trader
畅销报纸mass-circulation newspaper
敞开思想,畅所欲言speak one’s mind freely and fully
唱对台戏challenge somebody with opposing views
唱颂歌sing the praises of
唱响社会主义文化的旋律highlight the main theme of socialist culture

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