除害灭病eradicate pests and communicable diseases
雏形embryonic form
储蓄利率savings account interest rate

处理失当mishandle / handle inappropriately
处在磨合阶段in a fine-tuning period / in a break-in period / in a period of adjustment
穿小鞋make things hard for somebody

传播先进文化spread advanced culture
传票summons / subpoena
传统安全威胁traditional threats to security
传为笑谈become a standing joke / become a laughing-stock
传真系统facsimile system

闯的精神pioneering spirit

创出牌子earn a high reputation
创始国founding nation
创新体系innovation system
创造条件pave the way for / create the conditions for
垂死的力量moribund force
垂涎三尺unable to hide one’s greed / with mouth watering for / drool with envy

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