adjective | [træns’pɒnˌtaɪn]

1 : situated on the farther side of a bridge 桥那边的
2 : (British) situated on the south side of the Thames (英国)泰晤士河南岸的

Traffic on the Tobin Bridge was at a near standstill, and it took us twenty minutes to reach our transpontine destination in Charlestown.
“The moment Waterloo Bridge was planned across the Thames, a new theatre to serve the transpontine coach trade was inevitable.” — Robert Gore-Langton, The Spectator (UK), 15 Nov. 2014

Did you Know?
通常前缀trans-表示“横过、贯穿”的意思,有点儿相互看的意味。无论你是在欧洲还是美洲,transoceanic countries指的都是你大洋对岸的国家。但最开始它在transpontine上表达的意思却不是这样的。transpontine中的pont-来自于拉丁语pons,意思是“桥”,在这里指的是任何伦敦泰晤士河上的桥,那么桥对面就只有泰晤士河南岸了。而泰晤士河南岸也就是那些特色流行的情节剧所在的地方,于是乎维多利亚时代的伦敦人就用transpontine与cispontine(桥这边的,泰晤士河北岸的)来区分南岸和自己。

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