每当我们抬头看月亮时,它似乎并没有变小。 在我们看来,它的大小保持相对恒定。 然而,尽管听起来很奇怪,但月球实际上正在缩小,尽管非常缓慢。 事实上,美国宇航局估计,在过去的几亿年里,月球已经缩小了大约 150 英尺(50 米)。
Whenever we look up at the moon, it doesn’t seem to be getting any smaller. To our eyes, its size remains relatively constant. However, as strange as it may sound, the moon is actually shrinking, albeit very slowly. In fact, NASA estimates that over the last several hundred million years, the moon has shrunk by about 150-feet (50-meters).

月球在 40多亿年前形成时,它保存了大量的热量,但由于它的体积小,这些热量最终会散逸到太空中。热胀冷缩,导致它的体型收缩变小。


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