在荷花(lotus,/ˈloʊtəs/)的外表层上布满了蜡质,还有许多乳头状的突起,突起之间充满着空气,能够阻挡污泥浊水渗入荷花里面。当它们的叶芽和花芽从污泥中抽出来的时候,由于它们的表层 有蜡质保护着,污泥油水很难载附上去,即使有少量的污泥不小心黏附在叶芽或花芽上,也会被荡动的水冲洗干净,这样,等到荷花挺出水面的时候,自然是光洁可爱的了。

Lotus leaf surface. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) showing the microstructures on the surface of a leaf from a lotus (Nelumbo sp.) plant. These structures on the top of the leaf, along with a waxy coating (removed here), help to repel water droplets better than any other material in nature. This helps the leaves to stay clean and stops fungi and other organisms from settling on them. This ‘lotus effect’ is being studied so that similar mechanisms can be implemented to produce ‘self-cleaning’ house paints. Here stomatal pores (dark, oval) can also be seen. Magnification: x1830 when printed 10 centimetres wide.
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