“爆料”用英语怎么说 – 咸蛋黄
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spill the tea 爆料

你也可以说 spill the beans 这两个用法都是俚语,但是 spill the tea 现在比较常用。spill[spɪl],溢出,泼出。

Okay girls, it’s time to spill the tea. 姐妹们吃瓜了!

What tea do you have? 你有什么瓜?

I have tea on XX. 我有XX的瓜。

tell me all the dirt

在老友记中,”tell me all the dirt”也是用来表示八卦,“告诉我一些八卦”在这里dirt除了表示灰尘,污垢以外,还可以表示流言蜚语。英文解释为If you say that youhave the dirt on someone, you mean that you have information that could harm their reputation or career.

例句:Come on,tell me all the dirt.



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