上周末我们家庭聚会,表哥喝多了,说了一些对姑姑不敬的话,不久就传到了我姑姑的耳朵里。几乎就在同时,表哥也意识到自己犯的错,赶紧去向姑姑赔罪,还特别送了鲜花。他这一系列及时补救的做法让我想到了一句习惯用语,那就是:damage control。

我们都知道,damage这个词本身是“破坏,损坏”的意思,而control则是“控制”。连在一起,damage control的字面意思是“损害控制”,也就是“采取措施将造成的损害降到最低”。


  • My cousin told my aunt that he was sorry and sent her flowers. It’s damage control.


  • There were some doubts about whether Drake would be an effective Union president. Then, he made a racial remark in a speech at an assembly. At first, he ignored critics. Later, he tried to make a joke of it before deciding to offer a public apology. In the end, his attempts at damage control weren’t successful. He lost out on the promotion.


刚刚我们谈到,如果做错了什么事情,就应该马上进行damage control,尽量把伤害降到最低程度。下面的例子里,这位足球妈妈就意识到了自己的错误。她做了什么来补救呢?

  • My wife knew she was wrong. She should never have told our daughter’s soccer coach that he’d made a lot of bad calls at the game. Fortunately, she wasted no time explaining how she’d been inappropriate, followed by offering him an invitation to dinner at our house. Thanks to my wife’s damage control, the coach isn’t upset anymore.

所以说,越快补救,损害就越小!damage control这个短语最初出现在20世纪50年代,那时候,这个短语只限于用在把一个船只事故的损害降到最低。慢慢地,人们开始把这个短语引伸出来使用,到现在,damage control可以用在任何需要进行补救的场合中。

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