

China still needs to pay close attention to the contagion for the next one to two months and avoid large-scale gatherings, and measures such as those requiring a 14-day quarantine of people returning to big cities should continue.

“If we well implement such preventive measures, and the number of new infection cases remains zero for a certain period of time, in one or two months it’ll be time to take off masks,” Zhang said.


Last month, companies in Guangdong province, Beijing and Shanghai reported producing a new type of face mask that uses a nanomaterial membrane, rather than the typical melt-blown fabric, to filter bacteria, viruses and other pathogens, according to local health and medical products authorities.

The new masks are on par with N95 standards, meaning they filter particles of all sizes with at least 95 percent efficiency.

The masks are also comfortable, easy to breathe through and can be reused up to 20 times depending on the user’s setting and wear time, the authorities said.

The retail price for the masks created by companies from Shanghai will be around 15 to 20 yuan each.

据企业自测,该口罩经受沸水、酒精、84消毒液等的反复消毒处理20次后,过滤性能(filtering efficiency)仍保持基本稳定,但企业在产品使用推荐中表示,反复消毒不要超过10次。

在口罩没有破损或者被污染的情况下,普通市民可自己随时给口罩消毒(disinfect their masks),其中一种易于操作的方式是,用70度以上热水浸泡15分钟(soak the used masks in higher-than-70-degree water for 15 minutes)或者56度以上热水浸泡30分钟,浸泡过的口罩可放在纸巾等吸水性能好的材料表面吸收水分,之后用电吹风的热风将口罩吹干。

  • 一次性外科口罩
    disposable surgical mask
  • 防护服
    protective suit
  • 防雾霾口罩
    anti-smog mask
  • 可重复使用口罩
    reusable mask
  • 微信或QQ扫一扫