本文向大家介绍的英语口语表达是:blowing hot and cold。从字面上看,“hot and cold”是一会儿热,一会儿冷,所以这个短语其实是形容人“跟天气一样地反复无常,拿不定主意”。

这个习语出自伊索寓言。有个人冬天跟森林之神一起吃饭,先是在手上哈气取暖,后来又吹气让热汤凉下来,森林之神认为他反复无常,一会儿嫌冷一会儿嫌热,马上下逐客令,说:“I will have to part with a man who can blow hot and cold from the same mouth.”

  • He keeps blowing hot and cold about immigrating to Canada.
  • His enthusiasm for the job blows hot and cold.
  • He’s a man given to blowing hot and cold; you just can’t tell what he’s standing for.
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